Thursday, June 21, 2007

Garred you're right

Dear Garred

You're right. That probably is the gayest post I've done yet. You've always had a keen eye for when I'm being gay and need to be corrected - kind of like that one time on the cruise when I was wearing tuxedo shorts and the indonesian janitor asked me if I had "any gay DVD". Not even just "a gay DVD", he wanted "any gay DVD". That was one desperate gay indonesian janitor.

I'll do my best in the future to not dissapoint. If I have to post something gay again, I'll be sure to include a picture of a girl I'm really attracted to at the bottom just so everyone knows that they are in a hetero cyberspace...there is, however, no smoking in this space and absolutely no running by the pool under any circumstances. Those are the only rules. I don't know what this post is even about anymore. Over and out.

Love Dave.

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